Physical Therapy
Our physical therapists provide the following services and are tailored to each child's specific plan of care:
Tone Management
Motor Planning
Primitive Reflex Integration
Postural Muscle Control
Goal Specific Activities
Play & Fun!

When to seek a physical therapy referral:
your child is late on reaching their milestones (as early as 3 months of age)
Not ambulating independently by 15 months
Toe walking >80% of the time at 18 months or older
Not crawling independently with smooth coordination of extremities by 11 months
Increased falls or poor safety awareness
Does not transition from sitting to crawling by 11 months
Unusual movement patterns including involuntary or jerky movements
Inability to sit independently by 8 months
Only performs tasks one sided (using one hand to play, rolling in one direction, head always turned to one side, etc.)
If your child demonstrates any of the above or if you have any concerns about typical/atypical development, please call our clinic and our therapists would be happy to speak with you!